A little about me...

Sunday, January 14, 2007


OK for those that don't know me, my name is Heather and I'm 17 (almost 18 in February!!!!!!!) and a senior at Rider high. I'll be honest Ive never seriously been involved in anything having to do with extracurricular activities in school. However this year I decided to join the Current Events UIL team. I wasn't sure what to expect except for the fact that we went out of town to compete.Th first time we went to (yes I'm serious no joke) a dude ranch. OK you know on TV when the cowboys are saturated with a a love for the country complete with the tang and pinto beans? Yea that's not Hollywood. It is in fact the actual guys we met at the dude ranch also gave us the gracious gift to a roping show with a real live roping professional and a hay ride. Lol however to their credit we also got to go (again not kidding) ghosthunting. It was amazing. Apparently when you take pictures of haunted objects or places these little orbs appear which are supposed to be spirits. Regardless if it was true or not it made for a very freaky night. We told ghost stories around the campfire and the best one by far was one by this quack kind of a doctor who sold "cures for cancer" via this black gooey stuff. yea yummy... Anyways he would slowly kill his patients and do freaky experiments while he performed "surgeries" yea super sick and creepy which should make you feel all nice and warm the next time you go to the doctor huh? Anyways this hospital that he created is now transformed into a hotel in which the give tours and tell this charming story. Lol anyways they say at night you can hear the screams of the patients to lull you to sleep. And I cant believe i just said Lol in front of that sentence. Totally disturbing. Anyways its like past midnight so g'nite and much love!!!
Heather Feather


Friggy said...

Oo!Oo!Oo! I want the prettiful eyes tooooo!!!!! How????? It aint fair I tell ya! It just aint!

jay5in said...

Wow! Psycho Doctor and all! Hope your having a good week, didnt want to surf away without saying hello.

Linda Elms said...

Heather, I read your blog earlier today but just stopped back by to see it again. I'm glad you're blogging. It's a lot of fun and you will enjoy it, I'm sure. Your sketches are good. Talk to you later. Love you!

Friggy said...

..... You REALLY need to blog more... we started around the same time and you have like, 3-6 blogs and I have like, 10 at least... WRITE MORE!!!! More! More! More! Give us some variety here, COME ON!!! XP lol, ya, I'm just playin w/ ya... no, seriously...